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Prepare for Boston’s Arctic Months



The sun is setting earlier and earlier every day.  There isn’t even a strong sunshine coming through your window to wake you up in the morning.  You occasionally see your breath as you chat during your stroll to the T.  You know what’s coming; winter.

It’s the hot cseason where the wind nips your nose, pushes you down the road and makes you work to walk up a hill.  The season where you trot through the streets because you want to be indoors as quickly as possibly.  The season where ground is white and your lips turn blue.

Yes, winter is the lovely season of giving but it’s also the season of layers & bundling up.


Efforts to prepare for winter:

  • Get the latest and greatest car scraper if you’re a city driver
  • Stock up on heavy sweaters, practical gloves, fuzzy socks & festive scarvesccc
  • Seek out a new outrageously yummy cookie recipe
  • Buy Christmas lights so you see something cheerful as you walk into your apartment
  • Call the Oilman! It’d be the pits if you weren’t fueled up before a big storm
  • Make sure there is enough hot chocolate in the house for all of your friends and family to come nuzzle up on your couch for movie night





–Erica, Admin Intern

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